
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Knitting News

I'm still on a knitting jag and loving fluffy white yarns these days. Miss Helen (below) is sporting a sweet little sweater that somebody else made though. (There's more about her on the Archive blog here.) Sugar 'n Cream is the name of a brand of lovely cotton yarn on a big spool that I found at the craft store. Yummy just to look at!

I also found another gorgeous hand knit sweater that I rescued from the thrift store, and have a shot of my mohair scarf in progress that you can see here. 

I've been looking for wools to felt and not having a lot of luck. Seems like everything is acrylic these days. . . .

Hope you're having a great week!



  1. Sometimes you can find old wool blankets at thrift stores that are great for felting Jacqueline. The yarn is really pretty.

  2. Beautiful Jacqueline!I wish I could knit.But I could find some crafty uses for that.LOVE those sweaters too!

  3. need a MIL like mine! She used to crochet afghans, but hasn't for years. However she has several CABINETS full of yarn, lots of wool!, that she will never use. Whenever I want yarn, which is rare, I shop her cabinets!

  4. Hi J,
    Your photo captures the fluffy softness... cozy!! I am off to read about Miss Helen...


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