
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Christmas Wreath

Welcome to the new Cabin & Cottage blog! If you're new here, Welcome! If you're already a follower, Welcome to you too! My old beloved blog still stands, and I am still posting there, but the old blog is being flagged by Google due to link spam. This doesn't really affect anyone who stops by, as I understand it, but it is generating a spam warning by Linky as well as other spam blockers. While undergoing the long process of clearing out the malware causing the problems I am also blogging and linking to parties from here since the links are unaffected at this address. 

Now onto new business!

My granddaughter made this tissue wreath a few years ago. It's already starting to get an aged look. It doesn't take that long for white tissue to start yellowing, and that's a good thing!

A hundred years ago in the old days when I was a new bride and there wasn't much money around for Christmas (kinda like these days) I made one of these. I had it for over twenty-five years, and I must tell you the thing looked just ancient. Every year I would pull it out of the box, fluff it up and maybe dress it up a little. A new ribbon, or a few tiny colored balls. . . .

A tissue wreath is the cheapest and easiest thing in the world to make. A little labor intensive and tedious, perhaps. That's probably why more than one person ends up working on it. (I actually finished this one for my granddaughter.) But in that case you have more than just a wreath . . . . You have a shared memory.

I've told this story here before, but one day a woman came into the shop where this wreath was hanging and wanted to learn how to make one. (I thought everybody on the planet knew how.) So I showed her the simple procedure.

Take a wire hanger. Shape it into a circle. Place two rectangle pieces of tissue paper across the wire on opposite sides and twist them together, and repeat a hundred thousand times . . . You press the twists against each other to the side as you go. . . . Make sure a good movie is on!

Add whatever when you're done.

How many times have you already heard the word simple used so far this season? Turns out quite a few more folks these days want to learn how to do it too!

I tend to do different decorations every year. (A lot of us compulsive decorators do that.) But I don't have much storage space, and I like to keep things easy, so I mostly dress up what's already here. I also use a lot of natural stuff like greens and pine cones and twigs, which I love the best anyway.

One Christmas when I was having a bit of a downer (bad things can happen at his time of year too, of course), and my heart just wasn't much into decorating, I tossed out that twenty-five year old tissue wreath that I had made. I thought it was just too dusty, and that it had become just too shabby. It was even cathartic to sweep away that old worthless thing that nobody except me cared anything about.

But it's funny how now I still look for that ratty old thing in the Christmas box every year. It's like there were a hundred thousand little twists and turns of life also wound up and pushed to the side of it while I was busy watching something else. There was more than just a few scraps of fragile tissue paper wrapped onto that old wire hanger after all. . . .


Of course we're all busy making memories this time of year whether we are trying to or not!
But I'm so glad you took a moment to stop by!
(Or find me again . . . sniff, sniff.)

Join me at


  1. Well lucky says I am your first follower! Sorry about whatever happened to your other blog,,but am glad I found you again and can keep on following! Your post is so always. Enjoy the season!

  2. I'm sorry for he stuff that happened with the old blog, but I am happy to follow you to the new one! It's always so pretty and inspiring!

  3. What a lovely post and such beautiful photos! Visiting you (and now following) from TimeWashed.

    Jeanette @

  4. Of course I will follow you over to this your new blog. A fresh start is always a good thing. I love the new banner photo.

    Much Love!

  5. I'm here ;)
    So sorry to read what has happened to your first blog :( i love the wreath and the sepia toned dried flowers,so beautiful x

  6. I love that you have a fresh new(er) wreath now from your beloved Gdaughter!

    I actually had tears when I read you tossed your other one out- but sometimes we must move on and realize sentimentality can go just so far.....but still we have slight regrets even now. I have that about things and try to forgive myself when it happens.

    Because it does and certainly shall again happen!

    GL with this new blog. I am followin!!!

  7. So sorry about all your Google troubles. I guess I don't blog enough to attract blogging spam. Nice to come over and visit your new digs and I'm following along as always.

  8. Hello Jacqueline,
    I myself had a hic up when i started blogging just under 2 years ago. But it wasnt the google plip..or link up.
    I have linked up though and must say, i have had some really nasty comments left from people who just want to be silly.. i delete them.. they dont belong to my friends connect or circles.
    This is as always a lovely post. I love your tissue wreath.. its so lovely.
    Hope all will be well now for you.
    happy wednesday

  9. I love, love, love your blog. I will follow you no matter where you go. Thanks for the beautiful photos. They always make my day brighter!

  10. I am with you Jacqueline! So sorry about the move. I got to our old blog off of my blog and I will post this blog there as well. Many hugs!

  11. So sorry about your old blog-you have a great attitude though.
    Love the wreath and how you wove a lesson in life story in with it.
    Of course,I am following along here-always love your beautiful posts!


  12. I enjoy your blog even if my decorating is quite different. You have "style" and a wonderful persona.
    Perhaps if your original blog goes quiet you won't be bothered anymore and the powers that be will leave your old blog alone.
    Blog on- and don't let the ugly ones get you down!!

  13. Love this new blog, (loved the other too) thanks for the tutorial, have to have one of these wreaths, love the reference to it!

  14. Hi Jacqueline, I am so sorry to read about the blog issues you encountered. I love your outlook going forward.
    Now you have me wondering if I have something going on as I have not been able to open google reader for months to see my list and every time I try to use the design page, it closes with an error before I can move on. So frustrating. Not a fan of the new format either.

    Your new blog looks gorgeous and your post is amazing. Love the whites you share and the wreath is darling. I have to tell you. Back in the 70's I made wreaths similar for the door, using white garbage bags cut and folded like the old wedding flowers we all made with kleenex in the day. LOL
    Added them to wire or round bases and left them white. Added trims etc. Those waterproof white wreaths withstood the cold, wet, winters in Michigan years before we moved here to Texas. Your wreath is gorgeous and reminded me of those days. Now I am inpsired to make one again.
    Lovely post and best wishes moving forward. Keep your spirit!
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  15. I don't know what I would do it I had to change my blog :( how awfull.
    But I am hear and following you my friend!

  16. I have thought of switching over to wordpress because of that reason.But I am hesitant because I have heard of issues that can happen with that too.And it is a bit more complicated to work with.So for now I am just staying on my ride.
    Love this wreath so beautiful!

  17. Love your post, and the wreath!
    And you know we will follow you to the ends of the earth---or at least to a new blog--that is why we are called "followers"!! Sorry about the nasty business, hope it will never darken your door again.

  18. The wreath looks so fresh and delicate. Beautiful hanging with the frames.
    Mary Alice

  19. I'll follow your blog wherever it lands, Jacqueline! Thanks for this nostalgic post at this special time of year. It's funny how so many memories are wrapped up in our creations. Your granddaughter's tissue paper wreath is special, too. :)

  20. I am at the new blog and I will be following you here. Love your blog.


  21. I'm No. 36! "wither thou goest...". (**

    Do you still have an archive of all your beautiful pictures? Hope so.

  22. I've moved you!! Don't want to miss a post. Sally

  23. I love tissue paper wreaths, but had forgotten about them. I just signed on to get get you in my email.

  24. What a terrible thing to be subjected to. I don't fully understand what IT is, but MY blog got slammed with so much spam in a short time-frame--it got suspended! Thankfully, it was fairly easily remedied, and my blog was restored before the end of day.
    Crossing my fingers not to be afflicted with whatever you got!
    Love your blog--and re-subscribed to your new address!

  25. I'm so glad that you have continued on with a new blog site because I would miss you if you hadn't!! Your blog is so lovely and I am so inspired when I see your lovely posts!! So sweet to have your wreath and shared in the making with your granddaughter! These are the memories that stay with us and make Christmas so special!! I have never made one of those wreaths and have decided to share this with my daughter!! She has been looking forward to this season all year and I'm so glad my 16 year old still does!! Thank you so much for sharing with us!!
    xo colette

  26. Hi Jacqueline! Your new blog is already beautiful!! Denise

  27. Beautiful wreath and whites..of coarse:-) Sorry you are having problems. Curious, exactly what you mean by "spam links"? I have been getting a ton of annonymous comments that will go to my "spam" box. Is this what you are referring to?

    Thanks and so glad to have found you at a new location:-)


  28. Hi Jacqueline,
    I'm glad I found your blog again! Love the cute tissue wreath-maybe I'll try to make one. Your photos are beautiful.

  29. Jacqueline,
    I love your tissue paper wreath and the frames, so beautiful. I also love your "Pepper Grass" in the basket!
    I pick that in the summer and let it dry. Sometimes I put it into glycerine so it will be preserved. If you pick it in June, it has a softer look to it and it is called "Sugar Bush". August is when it is at the "Pepper Grass" stage. I love how it fades to a soft offwhite the longer it stands in the sun. And it is so pretty for Christms! Sorry about your blog difficulties, that is a headache....
    Hearts to you,

  30. I'm so happy to see your beautiful blog here, Jacqueline, and have re-joined as one of your followers. I hope blogspot will be a good experience for you, although you certainly didn't need the extra work at this time of year! I do love the new pictures you've added. Wishing you all the best.

  31. I'm so happy you are continuing to blog, I would really, really miss you if you didn't! Love your post, yes sometimes we have to clean out, don't we? Patty/BC

  32. Jacqueline,
    I'm on board and following here! Don't those issues just make you want to SCREAM??!
    I do so love your blog!

  33. Glad everything has worked out for your and this new home is just as lovely as the last! Love the wreath and the frames too!!

  34. I'm still a fan and still on board. Love your blog.

  35. Happy I found you and will add you to my roll and follow you. I moved my blog roll to it's own page because of Google's link monitoring actually. One day when I am brave and have nerves of steel I shall move to Word Press. The wreath is gorgeous. hugs, olive

  36. Love the wreath and especially the frames. Glad I found you again :)
    Visiting from Blissful Whites today.

  37. sorry for the spam problems, jacqueline. our paper wreath is darling and the frames make a lovely
    backdrop for it!

  38. Ugh. That really sucks. :( I will change your address in my followers list- it says I already follow you on your gadget here? Glad you are keeping up the blogging and love your Christmas touches!!!

  39. Jacqueline, Love the wreath and your pictures are so pretty. I am now following you at our new site.

  40. Well, I LOVE everything you do and this little wreath is just perfect. I like the fact that you decorate'mostly with what's here already.' What a great idea. With that in mind, I could manage a bit of decorating myself. But, then, you always inspire me to use all my linens and vintage I said, I LOVE what you do. I don't want to miss ANY of your posts! Happy Holidays to you, dear friend. pat

  41. Hi Jaqueline,
    So sorry for all the aggravation! How frusterating! I'm so glad your new blog is up and running. It looks beautiful. Looking forward to seeing what do for the holidays. Your decorating always inspires me! xo


  42. The only thing for sure is change. I'm glad you found a way.


  43. Well here I am and after reading another lovely post off to try and update the link on my blogroll.

  44. Never fear...
    I am here...
    I would follow you anywhere...

    Linda :o)

  45. Hi J,
    Well I take a few bloggy days off and you have up and moved!
    I am sorry for the troubles but 700 posts wowy! Maybe in another 700 posts you can start another new blog and go for a trilogy?
    I love seeing your wreath, and your heartfelt memories, tradition is nice! Love all those yummy white frames!

  46. Jacqueline, what is link spam? I'm sorry you've had to deal with all of this. But you know your followers won't be far behind. You have a huge group of fans in Blogville!
    I remember when your granddaughter made this wreath. It's lovely! Everything you do is perfection.
    All the best.........Sarah

  47. what a gorgeous display!!

    and love the tissue paper wreath.. I'm so glad you tole how to do it to the lady who did not know saved me asking....but you did not say what size rectangles...

    thanks for such a beautiful post and blog.


  48. it all speaks to me.

    if you have a moment and haven't already, hope you'll pop over to enter my giveaway for followers:

    smiles to you.


  49. So happy I found your blog, and will look forward to each and every post. Claudia


Thanks so much for stopping by! It's great to hear from you!